My Story: Why I Became a Doula

Starr Carrington Baker
4 min readApr 23, 2022

When it comes to being a doula, all I can say is that…

This life chose me!

My first job as a child was as a babysitter. Even at a young age, I always loved playing a nurturing role for younger children and being engaged with their growth. At 12 years old, I had the honor of witnessing my sister during her first pregnancy and helping her care for my nephew in his early years. At this age, I was already intrigued by the opportunity to support her, learn about her appointments, help her prepare for birth and postpartum, and walk with her on this journey to becoming a mother. I was also to learn more about the parts of this process that go beyond the moment of delivery and immediate afterbirth.This opportunity to witness the challenge, the discomfort, the love, the confusion, the joy and the miracle of childbearing… And, most importantly, an opportunity to learn how to offer my support every step of the way.

My last job in high school was in a Kid’s Academy for a local fitness club. Whenever my supervisor needed someone to take on the infant room or toddler space, she was met with enthusiasm from me. I wanted to gain even more patience and tolerance with handling infants, newborns and toddlers… and also, demonstrate the skills I already had from becoming an auntie. I took any opportunity to learn more about how to care for younger children safely. During this experience, we were taught First Aid and CPR directly related to safety of infants and children.

In May 2017, my sister granted me another opportunity to support her pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Once more, sharing all that she learned and extending an opportunity for me to be a physical and emotional support. This is when I knew I had a true passion for what it means to be a doula. The next time I was given this opportunity was in March 2019 and this time, based upon her previous experiences, she decided to consult a Certified Nurse Midwife.

As she started a very unfamiliar path on a somewhat familiar journey, she confided in me with questions, with concerns and with an opportunity to do research based upon the passion that she knew I had for this process. To this day, she says how this decision changed her perspective on how birth could be experienced. Specifically, in this experience with the Certified Nurse Midwife at a birth center my sister felt affirmed her choices as a mother, supported in her desires for care during pregnancy and tended to her comfort level during labor & postpartum while delivering safe and healthy results.

Once I did my own research and saw how many women felt so similarly, I was enlightened. Once I learned how many women are curious about midwifery care for their first pregnancy or curious about transitioning to midwifery care in general… I knew what I’d been called to do.

This was my time to serve as a doula for families in my community.

What I learned during that summer of 2019 sparked my philosophy as a doula and encouraged me to pursue my certification. In February 2021, I became a Certified Pregnany & Birth Doula and Certified Postpartum & Newborn Care Doula after training with the DMV Birth Doulas LLC. Upon learning how much value I could offer parents by applying my knowledge of developmental psychology, my research abilities and my coaching communication skills to my place in their lives as their doula, I was even more motivated to achieve my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from George Mason University.

And, I proudly stand before you today as a doula who is humble, patient and kind. I present to you, a doula — who is calm, encouraging and nurturing.

Throughout this process my goal is to provide comfort and reassurance when it comes to your decisions. I am here to listen to how you are feeling and I am here to provide supportive responses to your questions. More than anything, I’m here to remind you of what a great job you’re doing! There are so many different ways to succeed in this beautiful role, and your way is the best way for you. You are miraculous- and doing a wonderfully challenging & exciting thing!

I’m here to support your goals in early motherhood and uplift both your strength and your softness.

With Love,




Starr Carrington Baker

Welcome to the Radiate Love blog! Get to know Starr and learn more about pregnancy, birth, postpartum and early motherhood!